Work on the Man Quilt continues as time runs out. Yesterday I pieced the back and today I pinned the quilt, getting it ready for quilting.
This is the back of the quilt, all ready for signatures and such. I just have to do the quilting.
I will be quilting from the back to start with - going around the applique letters and the bears. Once that is done, I will be doing the rest of the quilting from the front, probably something structural to go with the design on the front... Not sure exactly what yet - but it will be architectural in feel I think, to go with the whole 'man quilt' vibe of the thing.
I am hoping to get started on the quilting on Friday or Monday, with the intention of having the quilt all finished before March 31st. It is needed for a birthday party in April, and I have to have it all bound and ready for signatures before the 'commissioner' leaves for the event.
So far she likes the pictures she's seen of it, and I hope she continues to feel the same way when it is quilted and ready to go.
On a rather sad but amusing note, I had to have one of my kitties shaved this week. She is very old and can't groom herself like she used to. She had terrible mattes that were causing her distress, irritating her skin and she just didn't smell good either. So we took her to the vet, who rather than just shave the mattes, said he had to shave all of her except her head and her 'booties' - he said it was just all connected and even her tail had mattes. Poor kitty. She looks so pathetic and sad all the time and is constantly coming for attention - more than usual. I think she might be cold, I can't tell, but she HAS to be feeling better what with the lumpy bumpy mattes gone and her skin able to breathe and heal up again. Here she is in all her shaved glory, poor baby:

She really is a beautiful cat with long ultra-soft white fur and beautiful grey spots... but now she looks so... well... I don't know whether to laugh or cry. And I know she doesn't like it so we try not to laugh at her. I know it will grow back, but still... until it does, she will look like a drowned rat I'm afraid.
I wish she was a little tamer and would let us brush her... then taking care of her fur would be easier... but we love her anyway!